
343 Results

The Power of Prayer

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October 24, 2011

According to Fern Nichols, prayer is the most important thing you can do. She shares about the impact her moms prayers had on her as a little girl.

The Gift of Singleness

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June 15, 2011

When you think or talk about singleness, do you use words like celebrate, delicious freedom, and gift?

The Beauty of the Gospel After Abortion: Jean's Story

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November 28, 2016

In college, Jean became one of the on-campus facilitators of back-alley abortions. Hear how Christ freed her from bondage, guilt, and shame.


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April 3, 2014

You couldn’t live if your head were disconnected from your body. But it’s easy for us to forget that we need to be connected to Jesus, the head of the Body.

The Thorn of Depression . . . and Grace

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October 24, 2011

Jennifer Rothschild talks about depression. She encourages us not to mask it, and tells us about our God who offers us the grace we need in the darkness.

Singleness: A Gift to Be Used

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June 10, 2015

The Bible teaches that singleness is a gift . . . one that many women would like to return!

Pride . . . in My Life? Jackie Hill Perry's Story

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September 5, 2019

God used Revive Our Hearts resources to help show Jackie that biblical womanhood is a "thing." Jackie learned there was so much more to herself and her heart than she ever knew.

Mentoring in Action: A Passion for the Younger Generation

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April 28, 2017

This passionate high school math teacher fills her classroom with the beauty of the gospel through a passion for the souls of her students.

Freed to Hunger for Him

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May 11, 2018

Set free from the scars of abuse. Set free from the chains of an eating disorder. Set free from total hopelessness. Nedelka tells her moving life story.

Kesha Griffin—Free at Last

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December 7, 2015

“You say you love the Lord, you worship, you praise, but you’re living this secret life of unforgiveness.” That’s how Kesha Griffin described herself.