
348 Results

Holly Elliff's Life . . . Eight Kids Later

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June 15, 2011

Catch a glimpse of Holly's life; you'll be inspired to believe right things about God, and to leave a legacy for others.


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April 11, 2014

Even though we don’t crown a king in the United States, that battle for rulership still continues. Nancy will describe what it means that Jesus is our King.


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April 3, 2014

You couldn’t live if your head were disconnected from your body. But it’s easy for us to forget that we need to be connected to Jesus, the head of the Body.

The Power of Prayer

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October 24, 2011

According to Fern Nichols, prayer is the most important thing you can do. She shares about the impact her moms prayers had on her as a little girl.

Lies: Week 3—The Truth about Ourselves

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September 13, 2022

Who are you? Who are you deep down? What is your identity? That question seems simple, but everyone struggles to find a genuine answer.

Lies: Week 7—The Truth about Marriage

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September 13, 2022

We all have cravings and desires. What we must admit is that our cravings always deceive us and never satisfy. Only Jesus can meet your deepest desires.

Lies: Week 10—Truth about Circumstances

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September 13, 2022

We no longer live in a Genesis 2 world—a perfect, sinless paradise. So how do we handle the difficult circumstances we experience in this broken world?

Jesus–Great High Priest

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April 4, 2014

Nancy says that when you realize Jesus is interceding before God for you, it will give you courage and help you preserve through any problem.

Cindy Rast—An Impossible Idea

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December 9, 2015

God is using Cindy to do so much more than she could imagine. God is opening doors for this ministry in Brazil and around the world.