
343 Results

Jesus—Man of Sorrows

April 15, 2014

What sorrow are you carrying today? Jesus knows what it’s like to carry sorrow just like you. Find out why the sorrow of Jesus can give you comfort.

Jesus—The Son of Man

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March 11, 2014

We know Jesus was the Son of God. So why did He constantly refer to Himself as the “Son of Man?” Nancy unpacks this name of Christ.


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April 16, 2014

Sometimes the term “redemption” gets thrown around casually as a churchy-sounding word. But redemption is crucial for all of us.


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April 1, 2014

Too many people think of salvation as a one-time event that makes them right with God. But DeMoss describes why salvation is so important to us day by day.

Jesus–Great High Priest

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April 4, 2014

Nancy says that when you realize Jesus is interceding before God for you, it will give you courage and help you preserve through any problem.


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April 9, 2014

Jesus is described in Scripture as a lion, but He’s also pictured as a lamb. Two animals couldn't be more different. How can Jesus be both?


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April 2, 2014

Can Jesus be your Savior but not your Lord? People separate these terms all the time. But Nancy says you can’t separate those terms so easily.


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April 18, 2014

You probably use the word “amen” all the time. But do you know what it means? Nancy shows you what it means and why it matters so much.

Blair Linne—Amazed by His Wonder

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October 15, 2014

Are you amazed by His wonder? Jesus, Son of God and Son of man, Lamb of God and Lion of Judah. If not, this spoken word poem by Blair Linne will help!

A Communist Becomes a Christian? . . . Nancy Shares the Story

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June 20, 2016

Your gift helps ROH connect with women like this women from a Communist country who used ROH transcripts to learn English . . . and meet Jesus.