
30 Results

How to Create a Mentoring Culture | Articles

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article | February 6, 2020

In any group of people—friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, or even in a church—a unique culture develops. There’s a typical way of doing things, a common language or way of speaking, predictable reactions to stress or challenges, and traditions for celebrating milestones. As …

Nurture Their Potential: 5 Ways to Encourage Reluctant Leaders | Articles

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article | July 2, 2018

“It’s not my season to lead.” “I don’t have the right spiritual gifts.” “Leading/mentoring just isn’t my thing.” “I don’t feel qualified.” Sound familiar? When meeting with women in small groups and through mentoring relationships, I’ve heard these responses quite often as …

If You Want to Be Famous | Articles

article | September 14, 2016

One in four millennials think they will be famous by the time they're twenty-five. Let's take it from the top. Read that sentence again. Let it sink in. Tumble it around in your own heart, and see what emerges. Do you want …

Systematically Reading the Grand Story | Articles

article | December 28, 2011

Imagine that you went to your refrigerator, closed your eyes, and then opened the door and grabbed whatever items you happened to reach in order to make a meal. You might get a jar of mayonnaise, a pickle jar, and a peach—not …

The Old Testament in One Blog Post | Articles

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article | January 13, 2020

The first verse of the Bible says this, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1). He did this in just six days, and the work culminated with the creation of man and woman—Adam and Eve. God created …

30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge | Articles

article | May 20, 2011

Introduction Welcome to the 30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge! It didn’t take many weeks of marriage for me to learn that my attitudes and words have a profound effect on my husband. I have the ability to make Robert feel encouraged and cherished. …

Summer Book Club: What Kind of Old Woman Will You Be? | Articles

article | June 23, 2015

Psst . . . Did you do your homework last week? If you need a refresher, hop back to this post where I challenged you to: Read the book of Titus. Start reading a biography of someone with right thinking. Make a …

If You've Ever Thought God Is Anti-Sex | Articles

article | August 29, 2017

As our culture increasingly promotes sex without boundaries, God's view of sex seems more and more radical. Since the culture's message is progressively pro-sex, many people interpret God's message about sexuality to be anti-sex. Nothing could be further from the truth. While …

Why I Won’t Be Watching Scary Movies Tonight | Articles

article | October 31, 2016

I was sitting in a restaurant, minding my own business, when monsters invaded my heart. Right in the middle of football game coverage, a terrifying commercial stole my peace. I only watched for a few seconds, but the gory faces and scary …

The Bare Facts: How Far Is Too Far? | Articles

article | November 16, 2011

Wow! Almost one hundred of you responded to our post last week where we asked for your questions about sex. (And five lucky readers won a free copy of The Bare Facts by Josh McDowell and yours truly). If you missed it, …