
30 Results

Regaining Womanhood | Articles

article | April 2, 2003

In 1990, Time magazine devoted an entire special issue to the subject of women. The eighty-six-page special issue chronicled the feminist revolution of the past generation. It included articles on such revolutionary developments as “the road to equality,” the psychology of growing …

A Guide to Steadfast Prayer in a Crisis | Articles

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article | March 30, 2020

I’ve never suffered from vertigo, but I’m told an inner ear infection disrupts your balance and throws off your equilibrium. You may be feeling a similar kind of disorientation during the coronavirus pandemic as Bible studies, small groups and events are temporarily …

10 Leadership Traits from the Beatitudes | Articles

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article | March 5, 2020

Shakespeare once said: Some are born great women’s ministry leaders, some achieve greatness in leading a women’s ministry, and some have the position thrust upon them kicking and screaming. William Shakespeare never said this. Poor, old Wilhemina Shakespeare of the Christ Bible …

Hope for Uncertain Times | Articles

article | November 24, 2008

Seasons of adversity—economic or otherwise—do not catch God off guard. He knows everything that is going on in our world. He also knows what lies ahead. He is orchestrating all things to fulfill His eternal, redemptive purposes and to glorify Himself. God …

6 Reasons to Guard Your Eyes | Articles

article | July 29, 2015

Caution: Contains explicit material not suitable for all readers. Monday I waved a caution flag warning that porn is everywhere in our culture and is increasingly socially acceptable among Christians. That whole post might have felt like I was simply stating the …

I've Been Abused; Am I Still Pure? | Articles

article | February 5, 2015

February is the month of love. Many of us will be swept up in the emotion of it all, either googly-eyed and heart sick over the love in our lives, or crestfallen and heartbroken over the lack thereof. Because of that, us …

Up Close and Personal | Articles

article | September 1, 2011

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth reminisces . . . How well I remember receiving that call from Dennis Rainey, which—long story short—culminated two years later in the launch of Revive Our Hearts. Dennis (founder of FamilyLife Today) had no way of knowing that his …

How to Pray for the Upcoming Election | Articles

article | June 28, 2016

In Paul's teaching on prayer in 1 Timothy 2:1–4, one of the major thrusts is praying for those in authority. According to Paul's reasoning, we want good government that allows us to live "peaceful and quiet lives"—ultimately freeing us to evangelize those …

Recommended Resource List | Articles

article | July 7, 2014

Revive Our Hearts carefully selects and recommends resources that we believe are true to the Scripture and will help people grow in their faith. However, Revive Our Hearts does not necessarily agree with every point in every resource or endorse the entire …

Daily Bible Reading Challenge | Articles

article | December 7, 2011

Day 1: What You’ll Find Between the Covers We’re so glad you have taken the challenge to read the Bible daily for the next thirty days. It’s going to be a true challenge, because it won’t always be easy. But as with …