The Gospel Goal of Mentoring image

The Gospel Goal of Mentoring

The goal of mentoring is to know Christ in a more intimate way through the benefit and blessing of walking purposefully alongside a more mature believer.

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More Than a Misfit

Maybe you view that girl at youth group the one with the lip ring as a misfit. Or maybe you view that girl without piercings as a misfit.

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She Wants to Be Like You

I've realized how important it is for me, as an older person, to be careful of the things I do around younger people.

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Do I Have To Tell?

Bringing your sins out of the darkness and into the light is the best way to loosen their grip on your life.

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Donna Otto's Mottos

Poignant quotes to live by from Donna Otto that will make you think, and will make you a success if you will live by them!

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I Need a Boyfriend

Whether or not the guys around you see your value or confirm your worth or beauty, God does.

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Are Crushes Okay?

There is one question that has been asked on this blog more than any other—are crushes okay?