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Thanksgiving . . . or Thanksliving?

Has marathon ministry outrun your practice of thanking God for His abundant gifts each day for life and service? It happens even with the best intentions.

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The Art of Leading Well

As a leader, you’ll be the one to set the pace for your group. Learn how to build great group unity and strength.

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Handling Group Dynamics

Here are several suggestions for drawing out your quiet members and keeping your talkative members “reined in.”

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Fostering a Spirit of Prayer

Prayer is a crucial part of your small group time, but it’s often the most neglected. Learn how to develop a prayer ministry for your group.

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Facilitating Discussion

Every group has those dreaded moments of silence when the members avoid answering a question. Learn helpful comments to help keep the discussion flowing.

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What Is a Leader?

Learn the qualities and characteristics that define a leader, and be encouraged that leadership is process of continual growth.

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Resolutions for Godly Living

Jonathan Edward understood the importance of being purposeful. Here are 70 resolutions he wrote before he was twenty years old.

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Personal Hedges

Practical cautions for Christian women to help safeguard our hearts and the marriages of the men around us.

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How's Your Love Life?

Take this "love test," a spiritual inventory based on 1 Corinthians 13, to determine specific areas of need in your life.

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The Men Speak Out

Men respond to the question: How can women affirm and encourage them to express godly masculinity in the home and church?