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What's in It for Me?

When you know the purpose of devotions, it helps you to be motivated to stay in the Word.

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What's Your Excuse?

"What's your excuse for not reading the Bible consistently?" Let us offer solutions to some of the most legitimate sounding excuses out there.

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Your Philosophy Is Showing

Compare the world’s philosophy with God’s to discover who and what you’re believing about your worth, purpose, and beauty.

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The Returning King

The Second Coming of Christ is the capstone, the crowning point of Jesus’ life and ministry, the point toward which all history is moving.

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Sexual Purity

Here are some practical ways to maintain sexual purity.

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Resolutions for Godly Living

Jonathan Edward understood the importance of being purposeful. Here are 70 resolutions he wrote before he was twenty years old.

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Personal Hedges

Practical cautions for Christian women to help safeguard our hearts and the marriages of the men around us.

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How's Your Love Life?

Take this "love test," a spiritual inventory based on 1 Corinthians 13, to determine specific areas of need in your life.

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Donna Otto's Mottos

Poignant quotes to live by from Donna Otto that will make you think, and will make you a success if you will live by them!

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Different Ways of Deceiving

Flattery and exaggeration don't seem harmful, but God desires truth in our innermost parts. Examine your life and relationships.

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Brokenness: The Heart God Revives

Nancy contrasts characteristics of proud, unbroken people who are resistant to the call of God on their lives with the qualities of revived, humble people.