Summer Book Club: Finale!
Your busyness is not wrong, but it is not best.
Author and Bible Teacher
Your busyness is not wrong, but it is not best.
Whether you're years away from marriage or hoping you catch the bouquet the next time it’s thrown, don't miss this post on surprising lessons about marriage.
Is it possible busyness is a byproduct of following Christ well?
You're going to love your homework for this week's edition of the Summer Book Club. Hint: It involves an awful lot of z's.
When was the last time you heard the sound of your own voice echoing through your head?
Your mission, should you choose to accept it . . .
Are you trying to save the world instead of trying to serve the Savior of the world?
Is the villain with a thousand faces terrorizing your calendar?
Three things to remember when Father's Day isn't happy.
Do we have to spend our days frazzled and overwhelmed?
Is the green-eyed monster lurking in the closet of your heart?
When following Christ feels like a lonely road, look for the remnant.
Are you using social media for good? Please accept our nomination for our first ever #SaltAndLight awards!
Here are ten questions to consider as you head into prom season.
Lately, I've been bringing the burdens that come with long hard days and laying them at the wrong altar.
As we share Christ with others, let's remember what being a Christian doesn't mean, and the one thing it truly does.
Sure, we love our families, but they also get on our nerves sometimes.
As God's girls who believe that His Word is true, it feels like we see pink and blue in a world that sees rainbow. Here are five ideas on how to stand for truth
You look at a guy and get butterflies in your belly. What's up with that?
Every single time you post to social media, ask yourself these questions.