Daily Reflections

October 19, 2022

More Than Just Information

Acts 24:14
October 18, 2022

What's Below the Surface

James 3:10
October 17, 2022

Write As You Read the Word

Psalms 16:11
October 16, 2022

What Does Your Life Say?

Ruth 1:21
October 15, 2022

Our Instrument Panel

Ephesians 4:20
October 14, 2022

Rooted in the Gospel

Acts 15:4
October 13, 2022

Side-By-Side Sacrifice

Acts 13:3
October 12, 2022

Replace It with the Truth

Matthew 6:13
October 11, 2022

Get Rid of the Roots

2 Peter 2:19
October 10, 2022

The Gift of a Rebuke

Proverbs 25:12
October 9, 2022

Untamed or Well-Trained?

James 3:3
October 8, 2022

Called to Serve

Acts 6:3
October 7, 2022

A Humble Heart

Isaiah 57:15
October 6, 2022

Molded and Shaped

Psalms 139:23
October 5, 2022

A Steering Mechanism

James 3:5
October 4, 2022

An All-In Commitment

Matthew 4:1-2
October 3, 2022

Without a Roof

Psalms 51:17
October 2, 2022

A Written Reminder

Exodus 17:14
October 1, 2022

Doers of the Word

James 1:22
September 30, 2022

Citizens of Heaven

Philippians 3:20
September 29, 2022

Swimming Upstream

Romans 12:2
September 28, 2022

A Heart Checkup

Ezekiel 36:26
September 27, 2022

Sharp Relief

Isaiah 6:5
September 26, 2022

Life in Exile

Jeremiah 29:7
September 25, 2022

Light in Darkness

Romans 12:21
September 24, 2022

A Broken Man

Job 40:4
September 23, 2022

Refresh Your Devotional Life

Revelation 3:20
September 22, 2022

Confidence in God

Psalms 147:5
September 21, 2022

A Time to Weep

Lamentations 2:19
September 20, 2022

Right There with You

Isaiah 63:9