Daily Reflections

March 18, 2024

Mercy and Truth

Romans 3:23
March 17, 2024

Destined for Disappointment

Ecclesiastes 1:2
March 16, 2024

Keep Your Eyes on the Sanctuary

Psalms 73:2-3
March 15, 2024

Taking a Biggish Step Toward Humility

Jeremiah 50:31
March 14, 2024

Surviving—and Thriving

Psalms 18:2
March 13, 2024

No Sacrifice Too Great

Romans 12:1
March 12, 2024

Extreme Exposure

Job 42:5-6
March 11, 2024

Be Proactive

Ephesians 6:18
March 10, 2024

The Desire to Please

Romans 12:2
March 9, 2024

Test Strip for the Heart

1 John 4:19
March 8, 2024

Christ Alone

Psalms 86:8
March 7, 2024

Cover or Confess?

Proverbs 28:13
March 6, 2024

Help Is on the Way

Isaiah 40:1-2
March 5, 2024

No Substitute for Grace

Ephesians 2:8
March 4, 2024

Fill Your Heart

Psalms 121:1
March 3, 2024

Daily Exposure to Light

1 Corinthians 1:20
March 2, 2024

For Their Sake

John 17:19
March 1, 2024

Who Do You Say I Am?

Mark 8:27-29
February 29, 2024

A Refuge for Your Soul

Psalms 46:11
February 28, 2024

No Match for God

Psalms 97:9
February 27, 2024

He Wins!

Psalms 57:5
February 26, 2024

Building Up Your Muscles

James 1:2
February 25, 2024

All the Difference in the World

2 Chronicles 20:6
February 24, 2024

God Is Working

Ephesians 1:11
February 23, 2024

Be Still!

Psalms 46:10
February 22, 2024

Hold on to His Word

Philippians 4:6
February 21, 2024

Rooted in Joy

Psalms 46:4
February 20, 2024

There’s Life in His Word

Psalms 119:50
February 19, 2024

A Sure Foundation

Psalms 46:3
February 18, 2024

Make the Choice

Psalms 37:7