
45 Results

For Such a Time as This | True Woman '08 | Events

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Watch how God uses ordinary and imperfect people to accomplish His purposes.

A True Woman Joins the Battle | True Woman '10 Indianapolis | Events

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Does fear hold you back from all God wants to do through you? The example of Deborah will encourage you to bravely be God's true woman in our day.

Food, Beauty, and Control: Three Snares Women Face | True Woman '10 Fort Worth | Events

Bob Lepine will help women examine 3 areas of life that are potential pitfalls. He'll look at what the Bible says and how to avoid temptation.

How God Overcomes Failure in Your Family | True Woman '10 Chattanooga | Events

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If your family doesn't look like the ideal picture experts paint, don't give up. Pastor Voddie Baucham invites you to watch God change a broken legacy.

The World-Changing Impact of a Christ-Centered Home | True Woman '12 | Events

What would happen in this nation and worldwide if every Christian family began to live out God's purposes for their home?