
45 Results

Women's Global Issues: Challenges for Women in Developing Nations | True Woman '10 Chattanooga | Events

We'll look at the health and economic challenges women in the developing world face—sex trafficking, maternal health, fistulas, genital cutting, and more.

Women's Global Issues: Challenges for Women in Developing Nations | True Woman '10 Indianapolis | Events

Be informed about women's issues internationally and how you can get involved, from intercessory prayer to participating in ministries in these areas.

Intentional Parenting—Championing True Men and Women in Your Own Home | True Woman '14 | Events

They may be little now, but God sees future men and women when He looks at them. He's trusting you to parent them with intention.

Potential Pitfalls of Ministry | Revive '11 | Events

Being in ministry has many joys, but it also makes us vulnerable to unique pressures. Nancy identifies pitfalls that can cause the Lord's servants to falter.

Panel 1: Gender Issues and Sexual Abuse | True Woman '18 | Events

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Is freedom from sin possible in a society infatuated with sexuality? Hear why it’s time to return to the Word of God to find the truth that sets us free.

Message 10: The Truth About Emotions | True Woman '18 | Events

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Emotions. Are they good? bad? reliable? Can we ever hope to control them? Dannah Gresh will tackle these others questions about our often-unruly emotions.

Teen Track #3: Jesus Want You to Change the World | True Woman '14 | Events

Erin Davis: Get out your Bibles or your Bible devices. If you read your Bible on your phone or your iPad, that’s great. But there ain’t no “Angry Birds” in Romans, okay? We’re going to be in the book of Matthew. (And …

Finding Christ in an Unlikely Place | True Woman '16 | Events

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Jennifer Smith shares her story of the freedom she found when Christ awakened her to the gospel while incarcerated.