Revive Our Hearts Recommended Resources in Topical Order
Revive Our Hearts carefully selects and recommends resources that we believe are true to the Scripture and will help people grow in their faith.
Revive Our Hearts desires to be a resource for you as you seek to impact the women in your life for the kingdom. Find tools you can use for small group studies, discipleship, and women’s ministry in the local church.
Revive Our Hearts carefully selects and recommends resources that we believe are true to the Scripture and will help people grow in their faith.
As a leader, you’ll be the one to set the pace for your group. Learn how to build great group unity and strength.
Before you lead a small group, it's good to have a plan for your meetings. Here are some suggestions for what type of schedule to follow.
Ideas to help keep your group engaged in the discussion.
Thinking of starting a small group? Here are some basics to get you started.
Here are several suggestions for drawing out your quiet members and keeping your talkative members “reined in.”
A wise leader will think through how to handle difficult situations so if they arise, you will know how you wish to handle it.
Prayer is a crucial part of your small group time, but it’s often the most neglected. Learn how to develop a prayer ministry for your group.
Every group has those dreaded moments of silence when the members avoid answering a question. Learn helpful comments to help keep the discussion flowing.
Learn how to provide a safe bridge to help your members feel comfortable sharing openly and honestly.
Discover how to help your group appropriately share prayer requests.
Learn the qualities and characteristics that define a leader, and be encouraged that leadership is process of continual growth.
Discover characteristics that all good leaders have in common.
Check out these tips on understanding your group dynamics, meeting the needs of your group, and drawing out the best in each individual.
This in-depth look at inductive Bible study will give you the tools you need to confidently study God’s Word.
Learn the foundations of Bible study: observation, interpretation, and application.
This simple acrostic will help you remember the basics as you sit down to study Scripture.
Read this important statement on biblical manhood and womanhood was prepared by several evangelical leaders at a meeting in 1987.
Ten things to remember when you are tempted.
Are you a single mom? Replace the enemy's lies with God's Truth!
Do you ever struggle to get anything out of a sermon? Read practical suggestions on how to prepare your heart before you even go to church.
Jonathan Edward understood the importance of being purposeful. Here are 70 resolutions he wrote before he was twenty years old.
Practical cautions for Christian women to help safeguard our hearts and the marriages of the men around us.
Take this "love test," a spiritual inventory based on 1 Corinthians 13, to determine specific areas of need in your life.
Do you want to get into the heart of your child? Use these questions as springboards for meaningful discussions.
Men respond to the question: How can women affirm and encourage them to express godly masculinity in the home and church?
In a world where so many people are sad, lonely, and hurting, God wants to use you to communicate His heart and minister grace to others.
Learn how to survive—and thrive—in an economic crisis.
If your husband is an unbeliever—or a believer who’s not living what he believes—these ABC’s will help you know how to respond.
Learn, affirm, and live out the biblical pattern of womanhood for God's glory and your enjoyment.