Persisting in Prayer When You Feel Like Giving …
If you’ve grown weary in praying, you’re not alone. Here’s help to remain steadfast.
If you’ve grown weary in praying, you’re not alone. Here’s help to remain steadfast.
Love requires us to soften our protective barriers.
When women neglect their spiritual gifts, the Church will fail to be all God has called her to be.
With so many Bible study options, how do I choose wisely?
Many women feel powerless to change their lukewarm love toward the Bible. Let’s help them learn to treasure it.
This year, and every year, we can be sure of this—we will need Jesus.
The truth that keeps us going when it’s hard to hang on in ministry.
If you’re weighed down by the challenges of ministry, let these truths wash over your mind and heart.
Scars from the Father’s pruning are constant reminders of His love and faithfulness.
Pastor’s wife, are you overtaxed, frayed, and drained of joy and energy? There is an anchor of hope for you.
Building a strong ministry begins with laying a firm foundation.
God with us is not merely a Christmas truth. Are you aware of His presence as you serve?
If Jesus wrote a letter to your church, would your cheeks glow from His encouragement or burn from His rebuke?
Create Christ-centered vulnerability without creating a space where anything goes.
The church is God’s gift to hurting Christians. Learn how to help the fainthearted move forward in faith.
For these reasons (and more), Christians can rest well when the results are final.
Satan may roar, but he’s no match for Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The victory is won!
As you pray for the lost, try tears.
As long as there is breath in our lungs, may we know, love, and proclaim God’s precious Word to the next generation.
The Church may be attacked, but she will prevail.
Let’s pray for a fresh infusion of grace for serving in a dry and weary land.
Leader, there is gospel-spreading, prison-shaking, world-changing power in your joy.
Has joy become a socially-distanced friend with whom you need to become reacquainted?
When Jesus is the source of our joy, no one can take it away.
Try these four creative ways to engage all the women in your church.
Is joy woven into the soul of your family and ministry? It can be. Fight for joy using a simple pattern from Psalm 92.
Imagine the ripple effect of women becoming disciples who make disciples who make disciples!
James 1:2 is a perplexing command. Here’s how to (joyfully!) make sense of it.
Learn how to implement a focused, intentional prayer initiative in your ministry.
A shortage of volunteers is a common concern. Here’s help to identify and address barriers to serving.