Leading When Your Faith Feels Weak
How do we minister hope and truth when our own hearts are bleeding?
How do we minister hope and truth when our own hearts are bleeding?
Let’s build a women’s ministry that draws in every temperament and personality type.
Leaders face a constant pull between home and ministry. How can we carefully guard each calling?
Do we value unity the same way Jesus does?
Leader retreats foster unity and friendship among women who share a common passion.
The church has a responsibility in the #MeToo movement.
Let’s extend care and hospitality to the event speakers that minister alongside us as co-laborers for the gospel.
Ministry is often inconvenient, sometimes messy, and never easy. But that’s when we know we are in the right place.
When leaders slip and trip over lies, there are debilitating consequences for the ministries and women we serve.
As parents in Christian leadership, our inadequacy is one of the most compelling platforms for winning our kids to Christ.
How do you keep God’s Word central and exercise wisdom when the Body of Christ grapples with hard questions?
Conflict detracts from the gospel. While it may be costly and tedious to restore unity, it cannot be ignored. The stakes are too high.
Event speakers need to possess an allegiance to God’s truth. Rather than simply filling a speaker slot, let’s be vigilant as gatekeepers of truth.
Is weariness causing you to question your ministry calling? Here’s encouragement to keep running strong in the new year.
Equipping saints for the work of ministry is to make a conscious choice to build up the whole Body of Christ rather than build your own little kingdom.
Do you find yourself in a team building slump? These tips will get you over the hump of volunteer recruitment and retention.
We often think of Christian community as doing activities together. It’s much more. It’s about sharing our spiritual lives in Christ.
Having a foundation of prayer in the local church blesses every other way we minister to women. Here’s how.
When the women in our churches forget the gospel, they’re more likely to be carried along and tossed about by the world’s ever-changing ideas.
Living a Titus 2 lifestyle is essential for women, and for churches, to thrive. It’s an investment with eternal rewards. Are you willing to take a risk?
Mentoring is an intersection of busy, messy lives. It happens best when we offer our priorities, schedules, and weaknesses to God.
Mentoring can happen anytime, anywhere. Here’s a creative collection of practical ideas to water and grow a mentoring friendship.
Are you ready for a mentoring friendship, but uncertain how to begin or what mistakes to avoid? Read on . . .
We’ve got the help you need to kickstart the mentoring journey of a lifetime!
Chances are there’s a special needs family at your church. Here’s practical guidance on ministering to these moms with compassion from someone who knows.
When you’re wounded by critical words, it’s hard not to take it personally. Remember you’re in company with Jesus who endured criticism for our sake.
Division and tension naturally arise when committed but flawed believers try to minister together. Conflict is common. Control Girls are common.
In the midst of out-of-breath-serving-God-busyness, have you lost the wonder of Him?
Here’s a helpful tool to identify strengths and weaknesses in your ministry.
When we assume our next steps before hitting our knees in prayer, it's a sign that we've departed from dependency.