Erin Davis

Content Director,

Articles by Erin Davis

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What Do Others Expect of You?

The next time you are tempted to let the expectations of others define you, give yourself a heavy dose of Truth! God loves you deeply.

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What Are You Waiting For?

Prayerfully waiting provides another opportunity to choose God’s Truth and to allow Him to make us more like Himself.

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But Why Can't I Look Like Her

The irresistible need to compare seems to be a part of our fabric as women. In fact, most girls are masters at the art of comparison.

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Are you Mad at God?

If you are harboring anger, bitterness, or resentment toward Him, you need to let it go so that your own heart can be healed.

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Does It Matter What I Eat?

As I sat down to spend some time with the Lord this afternoon, my food choices suddenly caught up with me.

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Mothering Advice from My Mom

Since I've got motherhood on the brain, I decided to sit down with my own mom to get her take on being a mom. Check it out.

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Is God a Good King?

You may realize that God is capable of changing your circumstances, but when He doesn't, do you ever secretly doubt that He's a good King?

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Freedom from What?

Do you need to be reminded of your freedom? Are you living like a slave, tied to old habits, old sins, and old ways of thinking?

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Are You Using Your Sword?

God's Word is the sword we must use to defend ourselves against the lies told by the world and by the evil one.