Erin Davis

Content Director,

Articles by Erin Davis

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Does Submission Equal Silence?

Being submissive to your parents doesn't mean that you become a mindless robot. It doesn't mean that you loose your voice.

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How to Confront a Friend, Part 2

There's gobs of evidence in Scripture that how we approach our friends with their sin is of great consequence to God and to our relationships.

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Be a Mentor

There are unique lessons to be learned by women who have already walked the miles you have not.

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Get a Mentor

If you don't yet have a mentor, please consider this blog post a call to action.

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A Pity Party Confession

To truly see friendship as a means to love on others instead of stroking our egos or filling our calendars is radical and wonderful

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A Friendship Check-up

Before we dig in too deep to this topic, I want us to take a quick friendship check-up.

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Do You Need TV Boundaries?

We're focusing our attention on the subject of media this month. But it's really more a conversation about boundaries.

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What is Feminism?

What is feminism? Was it just a movement of hippies fighting for a woman's right to work several decades ago?

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Serving Him Single

What does God's plan for women look like when there isn't a husband to help, a home to use for serving others, and children to raise?